Saturday, April 12, 2008

Surfboards Made in China

Several Costco stores in Orange County, CA, have been selling genuine shaped-foam-and-glassed boards made in China for a few years now. First, there was Realm, and now Counter Culture. The short boards are usually around $200 each, while long boards are about $400 each. The models available tend to be like a fish, a "speed" board, a funboard, and a longboard. Costco is also the home of the $99 relatively stiff foam longboard (always and only in blue). Not bad for a beginnner or kid board, I suppose. You can see these everywhere in the water now, so they must be of OK quality. Anyway, all of these boards are about half the price of non-custom boards you'd find in a surf shop. Is this good or bad? What's your thought? Would you buy one? If clothing companies make clothes in China, shouldn't it be ok for surfboard makers as well? Do any local popular board makers do their shaping and/or glassing in China? Drop bfs a note and give us your thought.

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